
Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council

( Since 1996)


To unite professionals of the Hong Kong IT industry in promoting and fostering support for Hong Kong as the I.T. hub in the region.


Through the professional knowledge and experience of our members, we


  • Contribute towards the formulation and sustaining of the professional standard and practice of the HK IT Industry;
  • Co-ordinate and provide objective and constructive advisory input from the HK IT industry and professionals in relation to the IT policies and infrastructural strategies of the HKSAR Government and make recommendations to the HKSAR Government on IT related issues;
  • Strengthen the communications and develop synergetic co-operation among professional/industrial groups and individuals of the IT Sector in Hong Kong;
  • Provide the effective and mutually beneficial bridge and liaison between the HKSAR and China and other international IT professionals at all levels, i.e. Government, corporate, professional bodies and individual professionals.

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