*In alphabetical order of family name
**As of 23 May
How can technology be harnessed to pioneer the transformation of a modern digital Silk Road?
Would digital silk road enhance international business connectivity?
How will smart city development and financial inclusion steer the revolution of Digital Silk Road?
What is the latest development of Hong Kong’s Smart City Blueprint?
*In alphabetical order of family name
**As of 15 May
More to come. Click HERE to check out the latest speaker list
Co-organised by the Government of the HKSAR and the HKTDC, the Summit brings together government officials, business leaders to exchange views on multilateral co-operation and explore new business opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiative.
Action through Collaboration: Case Studies on Signature Belt and Road Projects
A1: Risk Mitigation in Infrastructure Financing
A2: Digital Silk Road
B1: Chinese Infrastructure Investment Trends and Opportunities
B2: Green Finance
B3: Hong Kong as the Deal Maker and Dispute Resolver –
Part I: Deal Maker in International Cross-Border Transactions
B4: Women Entrepreneurship on the Belt and Road
C1: Sharing by Young Business Leaders on Belt and Road Opportunities
C2: Using HK as a Centre for Risk Management of the Belt and Road Projects
C3: Hong Kong as the Deal Maker and Dispute Resolver –
Part II: The Dispute Resolver: Hong Kong’s Dispute Resolution Services
Session 1: Energy, Natural Resources & Public Utilities
Session 2: Transport & Logistics Infrastructure
Session 3: Rural & Urban Development
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Belt and Road Summit 20182018-06-122019-01-31http://www.hkitjc.org.hk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/horizontal-logo.pngHKITJChttps://hkitjc.org.hk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/15287744291.jpg.png200px200px